I Had An Idea:
To answer a question;
To object or not to object, that is the question.
I object!
You object!
I, an object too,
You, an object too.
I object to…?
You object to…?
I the object
I object to.
You the object
You object to.
I the object
You object to
You the object
I object to.
I the object
You the object
We are both
Objects, of objections.
I the subject
You the subject
I, a subject, too and
You, a subject too,
I am subject to…?
You are subject to…?
I the subject
I am subjected to
You the subject
You are subjected to.
I the subject
Of your subjection!
You the subject
Of my subjection!
I the subject
I object to
You the subject
You object to.
I the subject
You object to
You the subject
I object to.
You the subject
I the subject
You the object
I the object
We are both
Subjects of objections
We are both
Objects of subjections
Subjects of objects
Objects of subjects
Objects of objects
Subjects, of subjects.
We are both.
Oh well, it was only an idea.